
HUOM! Please note!

Elokuun alusta 2024, keskiviikkoisin, asiakaspalvelumme palvelee puhelimitse puh. 02 623 4450 ja sähköpostitse klo 8–16 (Toimisto kiinni)

Käyntiasiointia vaativat palvelut voitte hoitaa maanantaisin ja tiistaisin klo 10–16 sekä torstaisin klo 10–17 ja perjantaisin klo 10–15.

Toimisto avoinna: Ma-ti klo 10-16 Ke vain puhelin- ja sähköpostipalvelu To klo 10-17 Pe klo 10- 15

From the beginning of August 2024, on Wednesdays, our customer service will serve by phone tel. +358 2 623 4450 and by e-mail from 8 am to 4 pm (Office closed)

Services that require walk-in transactions can be handled on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10 am to 4 pm, and on Thursdays from 10 am to 5 pm and on Fridays from 10 am to 3 pm.

Office opening hours: Mon-Tue from 10 am to 4 pm Wednesdays service only by phone and by email Thursdays from 10 am to 5 pm Fridays 10 am - 3 pm

Porin YH Asunnot - Welcome

Find a suitable apartment for you in Pori! Read more about our rental and student apartments and submit the electronic apartment application. Welcome to live in Pori!

A student in his apartment

The right choice for a student

Alex, who lives in Porin YH-Asunnot’s student apartments, moved into his current apartment 1.5 years ago. The apartment is just the right combination of spaciousness, easy maintenance and convenience due to its location.

A student in her apartment

The story of Silja-Sofia Ilvonen

Independence began on Vapaudenkatu. The fall of 2021 was an exciting time because that is when Silja-Sofia had just turned 18 – and decided to move from her childhood home to her own.

Happy family news!

Our company celebrated 60th birthday during the year 2017. We will give a discount for the families with the newborn babies from the water fee (or sauna or car parking place) 120 euros/year/ a newborn baby in a family. Please contact customer service for further information.

Apply for an apartment with electric application

You can apply for several apartments with one electric application. Just remember to carefully fill in all the fields of the application. If you prefer a paper application, you can get it at our office.